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I was clenching my hands in my lap hard enough that my knuckles would be white if I was still human. “I-nothing-just that you were married and your wife lived in a tower.”
Aro’s eyes flashed. “Indeed? You’ll pardon me if I don’t believe you, but I’ve seen his mind and the vicious rumors he sees fit to circulate. He seems determined to put himself out of everyone’s misery by not only putting his hands on my mate, but filling her head with lies.” His voice….darkened was the best way I could describe it. It didn’t deepen exactly, but the tone was heavier with his displeasure. He’d been irritated with Carlisle before, but now he was truly angry.
Despite him telling me that the Volturi were not a bunch of hired killers, I didn’t believe him. My only interactions were when Felix attacked Edward, then when Felix and Jane tore Bree into pieces after Victoria’s army was destroyed.
“Please, I-what is the truth then? I’d-I’d like to know. I came expecting to be…that you already had a wife.” I had to distract him. He really was going to kill Edward. As far as I knew, my ex husband was deep in the Amazon somewhere off grid, but hopefully he could be out of sight, out of mind.
Aro’s eyes were almost glowing red when he looked at me, before he sighed. “You’ve certainly been kept in the dark long enough.”
He set aside the letter and reached for my hand. It was a bizarre habit of his and part of me felt like he just couldn’t help himself from seeing if my shield still worked. Especially if he thought I was half finished or stunted by my transformation into a vampire in some way.
“I was married to Sulpicia, we were together almost four hundred years, but she died in a fire in 1894. After that, Caius increased protection around Athenodora and with her drastic reduction in court appearances, rumors spawned. My wife was not a prisoner, Isabella, and neither shall you be. I did not realize that Carlisle would allow such slander.”
“I-I’m sorry” I couldn’t think of anything else to say. A fire? In a castle full of vampires seemed far fetched, but it could’ve been an accident. Then again, Edward also told me that Aro killed his sister because he considered her power to be useless. Did he have a hand in Sulpicia’s death too? I was thankful that Aro couldn’t read my thoughts.
“Thank you, my dear. I want to assure you that you are not joining a harem and that no other nefarious fate awaits you in Volterra. You will be treated with the utmost respect, you have my word.”
I just nodded. I still wanted to beg him to let me go home, but I was minutely relieved that a jealous wife wasn’t waiting to tear me into pieces.
“That does not, however, excuse Edward. He will still be brought to task.”
“No, that’s, he just-” I didn’t know how to tell him that I was already giving up my life because Aro was operating under the delusion that we were mates, why did he have to kill my ex-husband too?
“I will brook no argument in this, Isabella. The boy is unstable. He deliberately revealed himself to a human, abandoned them, then brought his activities to our attention in a bizarre suicide attempt, that he then withdrew. He insisted on marrying you, despite knowing that you were my mate, then abandoned you again. He is erratic and must either be brought to heel or destroyed.”
“Please, please don’t. Is there anything I can do? I-I’m sorry for not contacting you sooner, but it’s not-I, please. Don’t.” I wasn’t even making sense anymore. Just begging. Everything Aro said was true, but I couldn’t bear to see the Cullens punished for trying to protect me.
“So eager to bear punishment for those who have wronged you.” Aro sighed and rubbed his thumb over the back of my hand. “What were you imagining to offer me in exchange for his life?”
I hadn’t thought about it. I was expecting him to tell me, to demand something from me, like the opportunist he was.
I dropped my eyes to stare at his hand. “I don’t know what you want from me, but please don’t hurt my family. They were trying to protect me.”
“What I want from you,” he repeated, lifting his other hand to my chin and tilting my face up until I was forced to meet his eyes. “What I want from you, is everything you gave Edward and more. Your loyalty, that stubborn heart, your mind.”
Ah, there it was. It was far more believable that Aro wanted me because he could touch me without hearing my thoughts. With how obsessed Edward was over my silent mind, I could only imagine how much that was multiplied by Aro’s fixation. I tried to drop my eyes, but Aro’s dark red gaze refused to release them. “You have no idea how the idea of you wasting yourself on the Cullen whelp has tortured me. If for nothing else, he must be punished for stealing from me.”
Stealing, as though I were nothing more than a possession. I supposed I was. He collected me like a wayward stray animal after all. I had no choice in the matter.
Something in my face caught his attention and Aro looked slightly chagrined. “Modern girls. Should I have said kidnapping? Or the deliberate deception of my consort? Those crimes carry a much heavier sentence, but if you insist.”
“Stop. Just, just stop. Please, if I can…I’ll do anything.”
“What I want from you, Isabella, cannot be forced.”
I looked at him. There was something I could easily think of, but I refused to say it out loud.
Jus primae noctis.
Carlisle said he wouldn’t force me, but I’m sure Carlisle wasn’t expecting to be attacked in his own home by someone he called a friend, either.
Reading minds for over three thousand years, it wasn’t difficult for Aro to follow the train of thought that was no doubt written on my face. “I can-”
“If you expect me to spare his life, Isabella, then don’t make that offer.”
His thumb rose from my chin to press against my bottom lip, halting my words. “Enough. Perhaps you can find something to amuse yourself while I continue my correspondence? I find myself too vexed to continue at present.”
After dismissing me, Aro sat back in his seat, reaching for the letter he was reading when I interrupted him.
I pulled my knees to my chest, curling into a ball in my chair and returned to staring out the window.
I had to think of a way to save Edward. To save all of the Cullens. This was all my fault and I had no idea how to fix it.
I wasn’t Rosalie or Heidi or Alice, I couldn’t even be compared to one of the secretaries. I had no idea what Sulpicia must’ve looked like, but she was no doubt beautiful as well.
My only advantage was that Aro considered us to be mates, but a) I wasn’t sure I believed him, and b) that didn’t mean anything if I didn’t know how to use it to my advantage and I didn’t.
When I was with Edward, he always called the shots, the only time I ever dug my heels in was when I wanted to be turned, and Edward didn’t take it well. It was eventually Carlisle and Alice that overruled him. I’d always thought that he was bitter and guilty and that’s why he was so cold towards me after I turned, but according to Esme, that wasn’t entirely true.
I inhaled as quietly as possible, taking in the smell of salt wind and driftwood. My scalp tingled and something clenched low in my gut, but my brain refused to identify it. I attributed it to fear, like a deer catching wind of a predator. I felt hyper aware and nearly vibrated with tension.
My phone buzzed in my pocket and I jumped before pulling it out.
Jasper and I just got here. Carlisle is alright, don’t worry. He was just stunned. You need to find a way to distract him. He’ll kill Edward.
My fingers trembled as I quickly answered. I’m so sorry. I’m glad he’s ok. I know, I couldn’t-I’ve made him angry. What do I do?
The three dots at the bottom of the screen lingered for longer than normal, telling me Alice was looking for an answer.
You’ll need to apologize. Aro sees himself as a gentleman, most of the time, and he’s insulted. He’s angry at Edward anyway and your near offer made it worse.
Ok. I can do that, but how do I distract him? I can’t- Alice, I’m not-
You have the best chance of distracting him. He’s on his best behavior with you. The dots hovered again. He knows you’re frightened, use that.
I jumped slightly when the plane started its descent, but Aro didn’t look up from his phone. It was bizarre watching a 3000 year old vampire texting, but I didn’t say anything. Talking to him was exhausting.
The plane bounced slightly as we landed and Aro finally looked up, returning his phone to his jacket pocket. “Ah, we’ve arrived. You’ll forgive me, mea vita, but I am urgently needed at present. Jane will show you to your quarters.”
I wasn’t sure whether to be relieved or insulted. He brought me all this way, just to pawn me off to Jane when we arrived. Then again, due to his proximity I was teetering on the vampire equivalent to a panic attack. I just nodded and Aro clicked his tongue.
“Don’t pout. I’ll be with you soon enough. Allow me to show you my gentlemanly side, I’m sure you’d appreciate time with your thoughts, hm?”
Again, I nodded. “Thank you.”
He started to walk with Felix and I couldn’t help but feel like I missed my chance to apologize. I stared after him until Jane cleared her throat.
Her face was surprisingly neutral, I was expecting the scowl I vaguely remembered from being human. She looked like an angelic child as opposed to the sadistic creature I knew she was. “This way, Signora. ”
Signora. I knew it meant “Mrs.” but it felt heavier, like a title of some sort this time.
I looked at the direction where Aro disappeared and couldn’t help but hope that I would have another chance to convince him to spare Edward.
He said he would come to find me, but ‘soon enough’ could mean anytime between a few hours and a few years. I had no idea how he measured time.
I followed Jane off the tarmac, through a doorway and down a flight of stairs that opened up into the reception room. The damage from Felix slamming Edward into the marble was gone and the three thrones in the middle of the room were as austere as ever. I shivered as we passed over the marble, Jane’s cloak whispering while my converses squeaked twice making me cringe.
The next doorway led us into an open breezeway that crossed over a large garden. Jane sighed as I peered over the edge, taking in the courtyard, empty as it was.
After crossing the breezeway, we veered to the right, then ascended another set of stairs to a heavy wooden door I would have no chance of opening had I been human. Jane pushed it open easily and I stepped carefully behind her. My instincts were still screaming at me to bolt.
The first room was a large sitting room, the fireplace was bricked up, but the mantle was still decorated. The windows were narrow, reminding me of the pictures I saw in history books where windows were kept narrow to prevent enemies from entering. It sliced the sunlight into bars on the stone floor decorated with rugs; they had to be for decoration. I could no longer grow cold.
The next room was a large bedroom, which made me tense. We couldn’t sleep, so there was only one reason for it.
Aro said he wouldn't force me. I knew I couldn’t believe it, but I clung to that statement like a lifeline. It was the only thing keeping the scream building in my throat behind my teeth.
“Your luggage will be brought to you shortly. The bathing room is through there.”
Jane gestured casually, but from the way her face slightly twisted, I gathered it wasn’t a suggestion.
“Sure, maybe later. I, um, did Aro say when he would be back?”
“ Signore is very busy. He took time he did not have to retrieve you. It is unlikely that he will be able to meet you this evening, but I will inform him that you requested his presence.”
“Nn-” I started to refuse, but stopped. I needed to apologize and talk to him about Edward as soon as possible. “I mean, thank you.”
Jane raised an eyebrow, but nodded. “Your luggage will be here presently. Is there anything that you need?”
“No, no thanks. I’m fine.”
“Very well. Please do not hesitate to call if you need anything. We will hear you.”
It sounded like a warning.
I nodded and Jane closed the door behind her. I returned to the sitting room and looked from the chairs in front of the bricked up fireplace, a chess game sat on the small table between the chairs. The pieces were red and white instead of black and white.
Books lined the far wall, most were older than me, the spines cracked and worn. There was a copy of Wuthering Heights, Jane Austin, and other names I didn’t know as well. Dorothy Wordsworth, Anne Radcliffe.
I found a battered copy of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein .
I sank to the floor, as far from the door as possible, under the narrow windows and pulled out my phone again only to jump and put it away when a knock sounded.
“ Signora, I have your luggage.”
Unsure of what to do, I opened the door and a small, dark haired vampire who I’d never seen before stepped in, unencumbered by the suitcase and duffle bag she carried.
“Uh, thanks.” I reached for the suitcase only for the woman to walk past me to the bedroom, setting both bags on the bed before turning to face me.
“I will unpack for you, while you freshen up. Is there anything you would like to wear? Or shall I select you something?”
“I, uh, I don’t want to-I hadn’t planned on-” I broke off as she waited. “Um, a hoodie and jeans?”
She blinked at me as though that wasn’t what she expected me to say, but opened my suitcase and I shuffled past her, grabbing my rattiest hoodie and most oversized pair of jeans only to jump when my phone buzzed in my pocket.
Do NOT wear that. Seriously. He’ll take it as an insult. Let Renata pick you something. I mean it.
I looked up from the screen. “Actually, could you pick me something? I, uh, something comfortable though?”
Visibly relaxing, Renata smiled. “My pleasure, Signora. ”
She walked to the bathroom, twisting the knobs, and I heard the rush of water into the tub.
I followed slowly and stared at her when she didn’t leave. “Do you need assistance?”
“With what?”
“Disrobing. I’ll wash your hair for you.”
“No!” I blurted out before realizing my voice rang, bouncing off the tiles. I swallowed and continued in a strangled voice. “I-I don’t need help. Thanks.”
“As you wish. I will unpack for you then.”
We both looked uncomfortable as she left and I shut the door behind her, irrationally waiting for her to rush back in for some reason, before finally turning away, setting my phone on the counter, and shucking the rest of my clothes. I’d showered less than 24 hours before, but it felt like a lifetime ago.
The water felt warm against my skin as I sank beneath the surface. My hair was still clean, so I piled it onto my head, wrapping it into a knot that hopefully would hold.
There was no soap that I could see, so I just sat in the water, feeling the warmth over the smoothness of my skin until I felt awkward and stood up, water running off me in a sheet. I grabbed one of the towels the bizarrely enough felt like linen as opposed to a fluffy bath towel. It barely absorbed the water and turned upsettingly transparent as I wiped myself down.
Thankfully, I noticed a robe hanging on the back of the door, and while it was silkier than anything I’d owned before, I gladly put it on, draping the wet linen back over the towel rack for lack of a better option.
I cautiously stepped back into the room, expecting to see Renata still in the process of putting away my meager belongings, but she was already finished, standing with her hands clasped together as though waiting for me.
“Feeling better, Signora? ”
“Uh, yeah. Thank you. Um, just Bella?”
“Just. It’s just Bella. Not Signora. ”
“I couldn’t possibly, Signora. ”
Feeling defeated, I crossed to the bed where a soft gown in a soft blue lay atop the coverlet. The material was light enough to be gauzy, without being transparent. The sleeves were cinched at the shoulder, the knot just above my elbow, the gown had a deeper vee than I was used to, but gathered at the waist before the skirt flowed to the floor. The underwear next to was in a similar blue, but surprisingly plain, just cotton. I felt relieved that it wasn't a contraption of silk and lace as difficult to put on as it was easy to slide off. Edward never responded to lingerie anyway, so I was out of practice. “Is it to your liking?”
“It’s” Comfortable looking, like I asked, but also revealing. I wondered if I could wear a hoodie over it, but dismissed the idea. I needed Aro to listen to me “-beautiful. Thank you.”
“ Molto bene. ”
I took the gown with me and changed in the bathroom, despite the confused look on Renata’s face as I closed the door.
Wasn’t she unpacking? Wasn’t she supposed to leave?
I dressed quickly, but not so quickly to risk tearing the gown. It smelled like Volterra and I wished for another pair of jeans badly.
Pulling the gown over my head had knocked my hair loose and it fell in heavy waves, framing my face. My eyes looked bigger, pupils dilated, but my face looked drawn. I was clearly frightened.
I struggled to school my expression into something less ‘deer in crosshairs’ before stepping back out, but Renata’s encouraging smile told me I was unsuccessful. She stepped closer to a chair and mirror. “Come, I’ll do your hair.”
Giving up, I sat down and watched while she combed and patiently braided before it was wrapped into a crown.
Her final touch was a sapphire necklace I’d received for my birthday, the jewel hanging just above where the bodice gathered.
“I, uh, this. Thank you,” I trailed off lamely. It’s not like I could rip off the necklace and stuff it into a drawer. Not while she was in the same room at least.
“Is there anything else I can do to help you?”
“No thanks. You’ve been great. Really. I appreciate the help.” When she didn’t seem convinced, I gestured towards the closet. “I would’ve had no idea what to wear.”
She smiled. “Thank you, signora. I will leave you for now, please call if you need anything.”
She left so quickly she vanished, the door clicking shut was the only sound announcing her departure.
I stared at my reflection, the stranger in the mirror, feeling out of place and alone.