Tax Forms | Accounting and Financial Management (AFM) (2025)

W-2 and W-2c Forms

W-2 Forms report an employee’s annual wages, taxes withheld, and other important tax information for the year. Forms for the previous tax year are issued each calendar year by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) deadline of January 31.

W-2 Forms are available inWorkdayby logging in and clicking on thePayapplication, thenTax Documents.

W-2 Forms for tax years prior to 2018 can be obtained via theMy W-2website in UT Direct.

Employees are encouraged toopt out of paper copiesof their W-2, and elect electronic receipt only in Workday. For employees that elect to receive both electronic and paper copies of their Year-End Tax Documents in Workday, Tax Services will print and mail W-2 Forms by the January 31 deadline. Employees should designate the address where the W-2 should be mailed via My Contact Information in Workday, by selecting a Usage type of Payroll Tax Form.

W-2c Forms are issued if corrections are required after a W-2 Form has been issued. If a correction amount is at or below the de minimis limits established by the IRS, the university may choose not to make the correction on Form W-2c, unless the employee requests this be done. Employees with corrected W-2c forms generated, and those that have corrections at or below the de minimis threshold will be notified by Tax Services.

For additional information on W-2 or W-2c Forms, please contactTax Services.

1099-NEC and 1099-MISC Forms

The 1099-NEC and 1099-MISC Forms report payments made to nonemployees in the tax year. Contractor payments are reported on the 1099-NEC Form (nonemployee compensation). Other payments issued by UT, such as royalties or amounts totaling $600 or more for prizes, awards, or other various income payments, are reported on the 1099-MISC Form (miscellaneous information). Forms are issued by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) deadline of January 31 each year. A paper copy of the form will be mailed to the address on file for the individual if they did not elect electronic receipt only of their form.

Beginning with tax year 2017, 1099 Forms can be accessed electronically through theMy Tax Formspage of UT Direct.

For additional information on 1099 Forms, please

1042-S Forms

A nonresident employee who earned wages that were exempt from federal withholding taxes due to a tax treaty will receive a 1042-S Form. Nonresident employees will receive both a 1042-S and W-2 Form if wages earned are above the tax treaty limit.

1042-S Forms will also be issued for any nonresident individuals that were paid scholarships, fellowships, royalties, and/or cash prizes during the tax year.

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) requires 1042-S Forms be sent to eligible individuals no later than March 15 of each year. The University typically mails 1042-S Forms in mid-February to the individual’s mailing address, if they did not elect electronic receipt of the form.

Beginning with tax year 2017, 1042-S Forms can be accessed electronically through theMy Tax Formspage of UT Direct.

For additional information on 1042-S Forms, please

1095-C Forms

Human Resources furnishes 1095-C Forms, which provide information about the University’s health insurance offered and the months of coverage for employees, retirees, other covered individuals, and their enrolled family members, if applicable.

For additional information on 1095-C Forms, please contactHuman Resources.

1098-T Forms

1098-T Forms are provided to students byStudent Accounts Receivable. The 1098-T Form reports qualified educational expenses, such as tuition. 1098-T Forms may be downloaded from theMy IRS 1098-T Tax Formpage of UT Direct.

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) requires 1098-T Forms be sent to individuals no later than January 31 of each year.

For additional information on 1098-T Forms, please

1098-E Forms

1098-E Forms are provided to students byStudent Accounts Receivable. The 1098-E Form reports student loan interest of $600 or more for the year. 1098-E Interest Statements can be printed upon request by Student Accounts Receivable.

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) requires 1098-E Forms be sent to individuals no later than January 31 of each year.

For additional information on 1098-E Forms, please

1099-R Forms

1099-R Forms are not provided by The University of Texas at Austin. The 1099-R Form reports distributions of $10 or more from pensions, annuities, retirement plans, IRAs, etc.

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) requires 1099-R Forms be sent to individuals no later than January 31 of each year.

For questions about the TRS distributed 1099-R Form, please contact their office directly. See more information on their website here.

For questions about ORP 1099-R Form, please contact your provider directly.

Tax Forms | Accounting and Financial Management (AFM) (2025)
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Name: Neely Ledner

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Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.